Thursday, December 2, 2010


There are days when a mother is so proud of her children her heart just bursts with pride. I'm sure the accomplishments will get bigger as my girls get bigger. Now they are small things like getting dressed themselves, brushing their hair and teeth (by golly, not with the same brush!). Someday it'll be driving, graduating, the first job. But hold on to that, I want them to be little for a little longer yet.

Anna is on her way to a milestone. Remember about the potty game. Yesterday she peed in the potty at preschool. Her teacher was so excited to tell me about it! I brought some bribery candy to preschool for her teacher to use when Anna goes. However, last night at home, she sat on the potty and nothing happened. The day of no diapers is looming large.  I'm so proud of my Anna!

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