Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving catch up

My mom ever so subtly said I need to update my blog more. So I'm gonna try to do at least a twice a week thing, you'll have to keep me honest.

We went up to my parents for Thanksgiving. The feast was a fine meal, as usual, even if my rolls looked like crap, everybody said they were tasty. Jeremy even made, ahem, bought a coconut cream pie to go with the homemade cherry and pumpkin. I think my girls were a little too loud, a little too energetic, a little too much like kids for my parents. After seeing the mound of laundry on my kitchen floor and the feeling of wearing out a welcome, perhaps we should have came home on Saturday instead of Sunday.

We got some of the tree decorated last night. We need to find a new topper as last year's seems to have gone missing. And it's already got a bunch of presents under it. And now that Grace can spell her name, she was pointing out all the packages that were hers.

Anna has been on a kick about going to the potty. She loves to take off her pants and diaper and sit on the toilet….no potty seat there, she just holds herself up. And nothing ever, ever happens. I imagine one day there will be an epiphany. I realized I've been changing diapers for 5 years straight now.

Speaking of 5 years, I will be the mommy of a 5 year old here in a week. I guess her and Grandpa Y and Uncle Wade and Jeremy are going to Ocean Lake this weekend. Leaving on Thursday, back on Tuesday, maybe? Perhaps I should get started on the pillowcase she said she wanted for her birthday.

On a crafty note, working on a sweater (I'll get a pic later this week), mittens, and a quilt among a myriad of small stuff….see ya in a few days.

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