Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas program

We did a pre Christmas program "photo shoot" so we would have some pictures of the girls in their pretty Christmas dresses.  Be prepared for cheesy smiles in the following photos!  We took video of the entire program (well most of it, technical error on my part at the beginning).  So if you want to see little kids sing, 2 year olds fight over a microphone and lots of waving to mommy's and daddy's, come on over and I'll show you the video.  J   

 With Daddy...seriously, does the man ever smile for a picture?
 With Mommy
 Outside the auditorium, Anna in her "costume"

Grace has been talking about wanting to talk to Santa.  So we went to the mall and she talked to Santa.  She didn't sit on his lap, but told him she wanted cowboy boots.  Santa suggested some songs because she likes to sing, especially Taylor Swift.  I think Santa's a mind reader or he really does did he know she likes to sing and likes Taylor Swift?  Anna said "no way" at the prospect of sitting with Santa.  And Santa, if you do exist, I realize after taking some more pictures lately, I sure would like an SLR camera.  I have been good.--Jeri

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