Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

We opened some presents at our house before we went over the river and through the....prairie to Douglas.  Santa brought each of the girls a pillowpet; a ladybug for Grace and a bumblebee for Anna.

 Anna seemed to be more interested in the peanut M&M's that she found in her stocking than her pillowpet.

Anna in her new boots reading one of her new books.  She wasn't all that interested in opening all the presents.  Once she got some good stuff, she was good to go.

As usual, I forgot to take pictures during the chaos that is opening presents at Grandma and Grandpa's.  The girls got quite the haul of goodies and Jeremy and I didn't do so bad either J

On a totally unrelated note, we refinanced the house, dropping 2% on our interest rate, which was our little present to ourselves, I guess.  Dave Ramsey and I need to get reaquainted again after the new year.

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