Sunday, June 27, 2010

"Twin Sisters" quilt

Here's part of the unfinished top of the baby Thomas quilt. You can kinda see where I'm going with this. I think it's gonna turn out pretty cool, and can you tell it's for a girl?! Very pink and purple-y *grin*
A picture right outside the backdoor shows the prairie in bloom. There are yellow flowers everywhere...and if you look close you can see a bunch of different purple ones as well. It's quite the site driving home as it's just mile after mile of yellow. And in less than 2 months this will be a burnt up bunch of brown.
Even though it was hot, though not as hot as yesterday, today, I made a chocolate sheet cake from a recipe from my mom. It has this icing you pour on when the cake it still hot and it melts all into the top of the cake. When it cools, it gets that crunchy little bit of dry at the top. The girls and I had that with some homemade ice cream for dessert....heavenly!
The people who bought the horses are supposed to come pick them up tomorrow. Jeremy reminded me how nice it'll be this winter when we don't have to fight the snow/wind/cold to go feed the beasts. I won't miss the days trying to drag a bale of hay through a snowdrift while the wind is driving needles of snow in your face and you can barely feel your hands....ah, I do love the summer much more!
The girls were playing outside and Grace came in informing me that Maggie was chewing on the neighbor's dog. Secretly going, "What the..." in my head, but dutifully putting on my shoes to see what's up, I head outside. Maggie's definitely chewing on something dead. Upon a bit closer inspection I recognize kitty feet on the very desicated carcass. Sunny has not been seen since we got back from the Big Horns. I couldn't quite tell by the color of the fur, but it very well could have been him.
Now to wipe the chocolate off of little faces, put on their jammies and kiss 'em on the cheek while wishing them sweet dreams.

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