Thursday, July 1, 2010

Battle with the Weeds

Well, now that the horses are gone and the goat is gone, the only thing we have left are chickens, dogs, cats and kids. I'm wondering if the name of this blog still applies as the menagerie is shrinking!

Ever since I've had a garden here in Cheyenne, I've vowed that this year I will stay on top of the weeds. Well, guess what, yeah, I can't claim it's this year either. The weeds have taken over and grown at an alarming rate. I have been able to locate the radishes, lettuce and lone pea plant. Tonight I'm gonna try to find the beans and carrots. Then I'm gonna take the rototiller to the "aisles" and get rid of those suckers. Maybe next year?! I have kept up pretty well with the rock garden/Russian sage in front of the house....maybe that's only because there is a weed barrier under all the rock....

Maggie has gotten skinnier lately. The ribs and hips are pokin' out and the tail is like a whip. We took her to the vet and she's lost 4 pounds. And when you weight only 32 to start out, 4 is quite a bit! Nothing alarming according to the vet. We have to get some food for active dogs, mix some canned dog food in with it, and separate the dogs so we know Ace doesn't eat part of hers and hope the weight goes back on.

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