Wednesday, September 30, 2009

With Rex Watching

I thought I ought to write this down for posterity sake. Rex, one of our horses, who is pushing 30 years old, is having trouble gaining and keeping on any weight. He is on a special "senior" horse mix that we feed him twice a day. And he's Grace's horse, he wouldn't blow up in a million years, probably because he's so darn old! Anyway, with winter coming and him being on this expensive feed, the hubby and I have discussed what we wanna do. We know if we take him to the sale barn, he'd just go to a dogfood/glue maker. We had decided to keep him around. Well, last week, Jeremy decided it's time to just put him down. We borrowed the backhoe from the neighbor down the road, and the vet was scheduled to come out. And he'd be gone by the time Grace got home. Jeremy even had the hole dug, with Rex watching the whole time. Then he grew a heart, cancelled the vet, and backfilled the hole. He may not last the winter, but right now, we'll just fork out the money for the fancy food and enjoy seeing him out in the pasture with Cocoa and Nibbles.

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