Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Waiting and Lost Things

Several weeks ago, we ordered bunk beds for the girls and matching dressers for Jeremy and me. We knew it would take a month or so to get here, so now we are just waiting. Jeremy's on long change and out of projects to tinker on, he was hoping they'd be here, so he could put the bunk beds together. Instead he's making me raised beds for the garden. Hopefully by raising them up and filling them with topsoil, the weeds won't become the devil as in previous years. And I can plant a week or so earlier!

The so called "big dogs" had a habit of running off for a few days, then coming back, staying a day or two and be gone again. As usual, this happened, but this time they didn't come back and didn't come back. Jeremy decided to check the Animal Shelter. They'd been picked up by animal control about 5 miles from our house. Ace had already been adopted and Maggie was in the process of being adopted. We decided to not even try to get them back as we're bad pet parents for letting them run off all the time anyway. So now we are down to Clyde, the 7 lb Chihuahua.

Since Anna's getting promoted to a twin bed soon, I thought I'd better get in gear and make her a twin size quilt for her new bed. I did this for Grace too. So I picked a pattern and fabric and this is how far I've gotten so far.

Not far, as you see!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Terrible Five's Again

A case of the terrible five's has struck (no pun intended) again.  The other day at pre-school, Grace hit her teacher.  The pre-school, thinking it may be conflicting personalities between Grace and the teacher, switched her to a different class of 4-5 year olds.  I sure hope she behaves better at school!  On another Grace note, Jeremy's taking her to a kindergarten screening at her elementary school on Thursday.  She's not proficient at everything on the list, like tying her shoes or knowing her address and phone number, but those are things we can teach her before she actually starts school.

The weather was nice enough this weekend to get out and ride our bikes.  Last night, we put Anna in the bike trailer we got and we all pedaled to the end of the road and back.  Grace is a whiz if you can keep her on the mostly gravel free sections, those training wheels get stuck in the gravel and then she gets upset because she can't go.

I finished this sweater for a baby of an old college room-mate.  The baby has yet to be born.
It turned out really well, but I think it's bigger than a newborn size.  At least babies grow fast!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I think Jeremy is nesting way more than this pregnant lady. He says he's tired of clutter and junk and is on a throwing out spree. First, he cleaned a bunch of the basement. He looked in totes and got rid of stuff we were wondering why we were even keeping around in the first place. He also got rid of some of his stuff in the basement. Then this morning, he woke up early and I found him cleaning out the cabinet we keep all the glasses in and asking me "do we need this, why do we have this?" So I have a couple boxes going to Goodwill tonight. And now there's enough space to put the sippy cups in the cabinet and not out on the counter anymore.

While cleaning the basement, he got our bikes down. We bought his when we were first married and mine is from my high school days. One of his wheels was bent a bit and the tires on mine were dry rotted. Ok, so we haven't ridden them in quite awhile, probably since before Grace came along. He took them to a bike shop in town to get them ready to ride. The cost to fix mine was probably more than the bike cost in the first place, so he told them not to do it. So the bike shop is making the repairs and donating the bike to a needy person….that made me feel good inside. So we are on the search for a new bike for me and a trailer to put Anna and/or Grace in. Grace has a bike, but she might not be able to keep up and may get tired faster. So this summer, we are gonna explore a bunch of the Greenway that runs through and around town on our bikes.

Anna was given the OK to be able to wear undies to school! Then on the first day she didn't make it to the potty in time and had an accident. Now all she wants to wear is leggings because it's easier for her to get up and down by herself. She threw a pretty good fit when I put her in jeans because all of her leggings are dirty….so off to the store to try and find a few more pairs of leggings.

I got this picture texted to me the other day from Jeremy.  It appears there was a detour on the way to get a bike helmet!  She looks so grown up and I just had to share.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby Quilts

Finally thought I'd post some pictures of things I've finished in the last month or so.  Since I like to quilt, but don't have all that many recipients, I'd decided several years ago that all the new babies in my department get a quilt.  This baby was 3 weeks early, so there was a weekend full of hurried sewing (and hurting wrists the next day).  Happy Birthday, Taylor!
The next quilt is for my best friend's baby born on February 8.  There was a sneak peek earlier on, but here's the finished version.  Happy Birthday, Abigail!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fishing in North Dakota

Grace went with Grandpa Y. and Uncle Wade to fish near Uncle Jason's house in North Dakota.  Here are some pictures courtesy of Grandpa.

She had a fun time even if Daddy didn't get to go!

Since you all want to know the potty habits of my 2 year old....she's kept her pullup dry for 3 days in a row at daycare....she's actually been using the potty at school...YEAH!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


You are probably just as surprised as me to find this new post on my blog. I'm finally starting to feel a touch more like regular ol' me, so I thought I'd update you on what's been going on in our corner of the world.

 A couple weeks ago I had an ultrasound to check the age of this kid. Not much to see in the photo except a peanut with a big apartment. The doctor gave me a definite due date of September 8, 2011. Which means by now, I'm nearly done with my first trimester and a third of the way through.

 Jeremy's been through his sleep studies; he does not have narcolepsy. Yet he's still super tired, so they're trying some other things including stimulants and a sleep diary. The stimulants didn't work, so he is off those. I am so glad for that because he was becoming an ass, an ass with no sleep!

I have finished some projects in the past month and will get the pictures up soon.