Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Visit

The girls and I are safely back from our excursion up north. We left bright and early Friday morning, hit a little snow by Hardin and made it safely to Billings by mid afternoon. We spent the night in Billings and hung out with my sister, my nephew and her boyfriend.

Then on Saturday we went down to Thermopolis and went swimming in the mineral pools. At first Anna screamed bloody murder and clung to me like a leech. Eventually she loosened up and kicked her feet. Grace and grandma hung out and Grace sure enjoyed the swimming...she didn't wanna leave.

On Sunday we celebrated Anna's birthday, which is quickly approaching, and Mother's Day. The weather was nice enough to sit outside and enjoy it. We also went to go see the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite out near my parents house.

On the way back to Cheyenne, we had rain most of the way and ran into snow for nearly 80 miles. At least the road wasn't slick!

And from the sounds of it, Jeremy had entirely too much fun while we were gone! In about a month, we'll be back to visit my parents and help cut firewood.

It seems we made it back just in time as there's probably about 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground this morning and it's still falling....

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