Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Randomness

Just having some thoughts of randomness I'd like to share.

Jeremy had a wild hair to change the yard....I came home one day and there it was, in progress. We originally had chain link around the yard that was only sporting clumps of grass and weeds amidst the slide and swingset. Now the chainlink is only around the half with the swingset. This has also become the dog pen. We plan on putting down pea gravel, mulch or something similar for most of that half. The rest we plan on putting sod down and erecting a pole fence; gotta have something to differentiate between yard and prairie.

Grace, Anna and I had a girl's night out tonight. I picked them up after the gym and we went to the mall to look at the puppies at the pet store, pick out some earrings, eat at Chick-Fil-A and play at the play place. It was quite an ordeal picking out earrings. Grace finally settled on a bunch of hearts in different colors. Anna, or rather Mom, chose different colors of small flowers. Anna managed to spill a nearly full jug of chocolate milk all over the floor during supper. Somehow very little got on anybody! Then I just HAD to use the coupon to Cold Stone that expires at the end of the month. I was planning on sharing with Anna. Anna had different thoughts. She would NOT let me share, I had to sneek while she was googling out the window, then she'd still admonish me when she figured out I'd snuck some ice cream. Grace chose a strange combination, cotton candy with white chocolate chips, which she claimed was great! :) It was a very enjoyable girl's night out!

One of my friends has been having what I would call a midlife crisis regarding what she wants to do with the rest of her life. Her goal had been surveying until she finally got a straight answer that you need a Bachelor's in Engineering to be able to sit for the Land Surveyor in Training test. That really isn't what she wanted to do. So she turned a 180, and after some serious thinking, she proclaimed that she wants to be a nurse. This was such a shocker, but I can totally see her as a nurse. She's such a people person and conversationalist. I am SO glad she's got a course for her future and I know she will be a wonderful nurse!

Jeremy's on the night shift this long holiday weekend. Trying to keep little girls quiet while he sleeps during the day is next to impossible. So we are going to visit Grandma and Grandpa Yearout for a majority of the weekend.

I am nearly done with the unnamed pair of socks I started over a month ago. I have finished one sock and I am SO loving the pattern and yarn and look of the finished sock. These were always destined for my sock drawing and even if they weren't, they may have ended up there anyways!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend and remember all those who served for our freedoms!

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