Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Randomness

Just having some thoughts of randomness I'd like to share.

Jeremy had a wild hair to change the yard....I came home one day and there it was, in progress. We originally had chain link around the yard that was only sporting clumps of grass and weeds amidst the slide and swingset. Now the chainlink is only around the half with the swingset. This has also become the dog pen. We plan on putting down pea gravel, mulch or something similar for most of that half. The rest we plan on putting sod down and erecting a pole fence; gotta have something to differentiate between yard and prairie.

Grace, Anna and I had a girl's night out tonight. I picked them up after the gym and we went to the mall to look at the puppies at the pet store, pick out some earrings, eat at Chick-Fil-A and play at the play place. It was quite an ordeal picking out earrings. Grace finally settled on a bunch of hearts in different colors. Anna, or rather Mom, chose different colors of small flowers. Anna managed to spill a nearly full jug of chocolate milk all over the floor during supper. Somehow very little got on anybody! Then I just HAD to use the coupon to Cold Stone that expires at the end of the month. I was planning on sharing with Anna. Anna had different thoughts. She would NOT let me share, I had to sneek while she was googling out the window, then she'd still admonish me when she figured out I'd snuck some ice cream. Grace chose a strange combination, cotton candy with white chocolate chips, which she claimed was great! :) It was a very enjoyable girl's night out!

One of my friends has been having what I would call a midlife crisis regarding what she wants to do with the rest of her life. Her goal had been surveying until she finally got a straight answer that you need a Bachelor's in Engineering to be able to sit for the Land Surveyor in Training test. That really isn't what she wanted to do. So she turned a 180, and after some serious thinking, she proclaimed that she wants to be a nurse. This was such a shocker, but I can totally see her as a nurse. She's such a people person and conversationalist. I am SO glad she's got a course for her future and I know she will be a wonderful nurse!

Jeremy's on the night shift this long holiday weekend. Trying to keep little girls quiet while he sleeps during the day is next to impossible. So we are going to visit Grandma and Grandpa Yearout for a majority of the weekend.

I am nearly done with the unnamed pair of socks I started over a month ago. I have finished one sock and I am SO loving the pattern and yarn and look of the finished sock. These were always destined for my sock drawing and even if they weren't, they may have ended up there anyways!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend and remember all those who served for our freedoms!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tiny Goat

One day, several weeks ago now, I was unloading chicken food from the trunk of my car and when I came out of the chicken coop, Tiny Goat was standing on the hood of my car. Since then he's found out it's great fun to get on my car and jump off. This has left several scratches on my hood and trunk. Then Jeremy was changing my oil the other day and the goat was playing on the hood. Jeremy decided enough is enough and was gonna put him on Craigslist or the local buy/sell/trade paper. I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but the neighbor came over and somehow Tiny Goat was given to the neighbor. This neighbor already has goats, so he'll have some friends of his own species, and not just our dog, Ace. I'm so happy not to have to deal with the little brown pieces he leaves around everywhere that eventually get tracked into the house!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ode to Anna

Today, my littlest monkey turns 2! I just can't believe how the time has flown. I remember taking home a tiny baby who is solely dependent on me for everything. Being so overjoyed at the little milestones, rolling over, sitting up, walking. And now we have a 25+ pound, energetic monster who mimics everything you say, runs around the house in just a diaper after big sister has taken off all her clothes, and has this entirely too cute "upset" look when she crosses her arms and pouts. We're so lucky as she's been a relatively healthy girl. The occasional cold and ear infection, but nothing serious.

We celebrated last night with pizza, ice cream cake, and tricycle riding lessons from Grace. We got her an Anna-sized tricycle that's supposed to grow with her. Grace showed her how to pedal, but I think it'll take a bit to learn the knack of that. So Grace pushed and pulled her around the house on her tricycle. She was telling herself "Happy Birthday" as I tucked her into bed last night. Love you, Anna!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Visit

The girls and I are safely back from our excursion up north. We left bright and early Friday morning, hit a little snow by Hardin and made it safely to Billings by mid afternoon. We spent the night in Billings and hung out with my sister, my nephew and her boyfriend.

Then on Saturday we went down to Thermopolis and went swimming in the mineral pools. At first Anna screamed bloody murder and clung to me like a leech. Eventually she loosened up and kicked her feet. Grace and grandma hung out and Grace sure enjoyed the swimming...she didn't wanna leave.

On Sunday we celebrated Anna's birthday, which is quickly approaching, and Mother's Day. The weather was nice enough to sit outside and enjoy it. We also went to go see the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite out near my parents house.

On the way back to Cheyenne, we had rain most of the way and ran into snow for nearly 80 miles. At least the road wasn't slick!

And from the sounds of it, Jeremy had entirely too much fun while we were gone! In about a month, we'll be back to visit my parents and help cut firewood.

It seems we made it back just in time as there's probably about 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground this morning and it's still falling....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

And We're Off....

The girls and I are headed to Billings to see my sister, her boyfriend and my nephew this weekend. Then we'll head on to Greybull to see Mom, Dad and Grandma S. I plan on taking the girls swimming in the mineral pools in Thermopolis. It seems everybody's coming along, except maybe Grandma. I'm so *excited* to get out of town and drive and see family I haven't seen in about 10 months.

I'm about halfway through the adventure on my latest pair of socks. I'm using a blue/green/mauve varigated yarn and a pattern I found online called menehune cobblestones. I'm really, really liking this pattern and yarn and the sock it's making! These are destined for my sock drawer.

I got new glasses about a week ago. It's nice to have glasses that fit and don't slip down my nose all the time. Eh, sometime I'll get around to posting a picture, maybe....