Thursday, July 22, 2010

Finished Quilt

I finished the quilt for baby Thomas. I backed it with some pink and purple flannel. As the baby girl quilt from my stash was recently used, I have some fabric waiting in the wings for a new quilt. I think I'm going to do a stack and slash type of quilt….super easy.

I've gotten to the heel portion on the socks for my sister. I'm pretty sure she doesn't read this, so it's safe to mention them. If she does, she totally has to act surprised at Christmas! They are a pinkish/purplish/dark that fades from one color to the next. They scream Steph!

Jeremy's pickup has come to the end of its useful life in this household. We took it to the shop and it needs about $5000 worth of repair. We've probably put that much into it in the last year. So we are gonna cut our losses and look for something newer. Of course, Jeremy's stipulations include something in the last few years with low mileage. It has to be a 4-door with a long box, 1 ton diesel pickup.  You know, nothing very specific  :) He doesn't want white, but you can't always be too particular when it's used. He's been scouring the internet with no luck. And we just got the money from the oil and gas lease we signed about a month ago. Destiny seems to be working in our favor, so far.  Now just to find something.....

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