Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting Rid of Stuff

I've been reading the archived blog posts of Crazy Aunt Purl and am liking some of her thinking. She has purged a lot of her stuff. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by my stuff as well. The girls are gonna be going to Grandma and Grandpa Y's next week because daycare is closed (that's a topic for a whole other blog post). Anyway, I think I'm going to purge a bunch of their toys that they never play with or have outgrown. We have a bunch of toys just sitting around collecting dust, especially in the basement, that I'm gonna donate to Goodwill. There is also some of my stuff that is not needed. The thing that comes to mind is a container of pretty red and green Christmas tree pasta that I've had for quite awhile and do not even remember where it came from that is just sitting there…so we will be partaking of some Christmas tree pasta soon. Why am I keeping stuff around collecting dust? And heaven knows, I hate dusting. I have learned not to touch anything of Jeremy's as he has a different theory on collecting stuff. I'm not gonna go wild with the purging, but if I do a bit at a time, eventually I won't feel closed in by stuff.

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