Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Many of you know by now that I have a bun in the oven, drank the water, am developing a new release, have a mini me in the making, got knocked up, and am in the family way, so if you don't know…SURPRISE!

I have had no motivation to do anything….like the Amish Friendship Bread that was ready to be baked Sunday, yeah, still on the counter. This threw a monkeywrench in the diet thing…since I don't feel like eating anything and if I do, it's probably not good for me. And exercise, please, all I wanna do is take a nap. So the official diet has been suspended until after junior is born. This doesn't mean prepackaged food and pop, we'll still try to be healthier about our food choices. And blog, who wants to get off the couch. So I apologize in advance to my poor blogging until this morning sickness passes, oh, in about a month to two.  Meal plan is still going well as I know I have little munchkins and a big munchkin to feed. This week's may be in the crapper though. Jeremy has to work Tuesday and Wednesday night, then he and Grace are going ice fishing and won't be back until Saturday.

Now back to my nap.

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