Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I think I have finally caught up from the holidays and settled back into some sort of normal routine. I thought I'd lay out some of my goals for 2011 and share them with you.

To be a better parent: Now this one sounds broad and perhaps hard to approach. I have come to realize I may not pay as much attention as I would like….I say, "Hold on, just a second" too much and the seconds become minutes and then I've forgotten they want to show/say/do for me. This also entails little things like making sure they brush their teeth, helping them make the bed, and things I usually take over because it's just easier. The key word would be PATIENCE!

To eat healthier: It's not like I go to MickeyD's on a regular basis. But to limit the amount of crap and prepackaged food in the house. And try to eat more fruits and veggies on a regular basis. In fact, Jeremy and I will be starting the Mayo Clinic Diet, which really isn't a diet, but more of a way of life. This is also to get the girls on a pathway to a healthy life. This branches off on another path. I usually send the girls to preschool with a toasted-prepackaged waffle for breakfast. I'm going to start making something healthier for them to eat. After some help from a friend, I've figured I can do muffins, quick bread, homemade waffles, coffee cake. After scouring some websites, I've also come up with homemade "poptarts" and mini apple pies. The trick will be to find the healthier recipes and to cut back some sugar.

To blog more: I usually don't have much of anything exciting to say. I'll try to be more creative with my posts, take more pictures to show growing girls.

To get back in touch with Dave Ramsey: This includes paying off the Bug, which is entirely doable if we don't blow the extra money that comes in, "Dang,it burns a hole." Be more conscious of my purchases, asking myself if I really need this when I go to pick it off the shelf. I already have a working budget each month, I plan to keep that going as well. We already use the envelope system. Seriously, go get a Dave Ramsey book and read it. I wish my dad would have made me read it sooner.

Making a weekly meal plan: Planning the meals for the week and shopping accordingly will cut down on some food waste. Then I only have to ask myself "What's for dinner?" once a week instead of every day.

I will check in with my goals on here periodically so you know my progress and you can hold me accountable. Let's make 2011 a wonderful year!

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