Monday, April 14, 2014

My Glasses

Lizzy has never been fond of her kennel, so we put her in our room and shut the door at night.  Never a mishap besides a bare patch or two of carpet from excessive licking.  One morning I couldn’t find my glasses on the nightstand….or on the floor thinking they’d been knocked off.  I found them across the room, minus the lenses, in a tangled mess of plastic.  The lenses were found later with scratches not due to ordinary wear, if you know what I mean.  After several expletives and “We’re getting rid of you, dog”, I calmed down and found my backup pair.  I must mention I am not fond of my backup frames and the lenses are not quite the right prescription.  Now I have a new pair with some bling!  And now she gets locked in her kennel at night.  You literately have to carry her to the door, but she will walk in.  And the whining now is only when she has to go out….not all night long.   

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