Saturday, April 12, 2014

More Rabbits

Just recently we got Charlotte, Grace’s 4H show rabbit.   We also decided to get 3 Californian rabbits and she can also take a meat pen to fair.  We plan on breeding the rabbits (we got a buck and 2 does) in a few weeks, then the offspring will be just the right age to sell for meat at the fair.  Grace has named them Junior, Looloo and Molly.  Rabbits were taking up a big hunk of the basement so Jeremy and Grace converted a shed into a “rabbitry.”  Grace feeds and waters them in the morning and night.  She also brings Charlotte in the house to fool with.  She was having problems turning her rabbit over, but she’s got that skill mastered now.  However, I fear, the newness may be starting to wear off.
Grace helping to build the cages

In the rabbitry

More cage building

The rabbitry

On of the Californian rabbits

Another Californian chillin' in her cage

Charlotte all stretched out

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