Monday, December 30, 2013


If you are related to me, you most likely got a bar of soap for Christmas this year.  I've made several batches since the first batch way back in August.  Jeremy made me a mold that makes 6 "average" sized bars.  I figure I'm mostly just making it for us, I don't need some huge mold that makes a bunch.  I made some a few weeks ago, Peppermint Oatmeal. They need to dry and cure for 4 weeks before we can put them to use.
unmolded and ready to be cut 
cut bars laid out to dry
Those look a bit dark in the center, but after a few weeks of drying, they are a beige color throughout.  I made some yesterday, Cinnamon Beer Soap.  I'll have to see how it turns out tomorrow when I cut it.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013

I have a few pictures from Christmas 2013.  The girls, especially Grace and Anna, grip and rip so quickly, I can't keep up while taking pictures and I usually don't know who gave them what!  Jeremy had to work Christmas Eve night and Christmas night.  I helped the girls put out the cookies and milk for Santa and we sprinkled reindeer food in the yard.  We opened all of our gifts when Jeremy got home Christmas morning.  A few pictures...
A few days before Christmas 
Leah didn't want to put on her jammies, but ran to get in the picture
Grace in action 
Leah showing me her peppermint stick, love that face!

Anna and her money tree
The girls are currently hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa Yearout.  Jeremy's working today and I just don't know what to do with myself in this quiet, empty house!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

More knitting!

I've been knitting up a storm, as usual, lately.  I have a few things to share.  First is a cowl I made.  I originally made it with buttons on one short side.  I wore it once and didn't like it with the buttons when compared to the original pattern, blah, blah, blah.  So I ripped back the button holes and made it a circle cowl by grafting the ends together.  I like it much more this way.  However, I would still like to make this similar to the original pattern where it knits up a bit stiffer.  I have the yarn and it's on the list...for someday.
my Brick Road Cowl
And I made some socks (what else is new?).  The yarn I picked happened to sort of match the holiday season, so these are my Christmas socks.  I like how the red and yellow kind of did a stripe-y, pool-y thing.
I knitting another pair of socks (again, what else is new?!), and a gnome hat for myself.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Today you get a 3 for 1!

Friday was Grace's birthday and we let her open presents that morning.  We also had cake for breakfast.

Then we went out to see Frozen 3D at the theatre on Friday night.  I've never seen a movie in 3D and that was pretty cool.  I thought the movie was pretty good as well.

Monday was the girls Christmas concert at school.  All my pictures turned out crappy...except one that wasn't blurry...although it's a little kooky.  Anna's pretty intense and Grace is elsewhere.
The kindergarteners sang 3 songs and did a good job.  The 1st and 2nd graders put on a little play, but you couldn't hear what most of them said.  Which isn't a very entertaining program.  While at the school, we picked up Anna's gingerbread house.
She said it was a sad gingerbread house.  Can you see the eyes and non-smiley face on it?  Click here to see Grace's kindergarten gingerbread house.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Eight years ago today I became a mom for the first time.  Grace was born in the afternoon on a cold, snowy day.  And I couldn’t have been more in love.  Watching her grow and discover herself and who she is has been a joy.  Of course, there’ve been the challenging times and the “piece of cake” times.  She’s grown into a young lady who loves school and reading, writing and math.  Hates fish and sweet potatoes and is scared of the chickens.  She knows which buttons to push to make me mad and also the buttons that bring smiles to my face.  I wouldn’t give her up for the world.  I few pictures through the years….

Don't think less of us because we had cake for breakfast this morning!

Monday, December 2, 2013

A Birthday Party

Thanksgiving happened to fall between Grandpa Y's birthday and Grace's birthday.  We took the time to celebrate them together while we were all gathered for turkey day.  Grace scored some books and an archery bow.  With the nice weather, they went outside and did some shooting.  I think Jeremy may have had more fun with the bow than Grace, :)