Thursday, November 1, 2012


We did the usual Halloween festivities this week.  (A week prior we painted some pumpkins for a contest through my employees association at work, more on that later.)  The big girls carved pumpkins, or rather, they gutted, I carved.  I’ve never been keen on pumpkin carving, but it’s not so bad when you get somebody else to take all the yuck out.  A kitty and Frankenstein.  I was gonna do one for Leah, but my bed called before I could get to it.

Last night, we went to a neighborhood in town, took a turn around a block, then went home.  We hit maybe 10 houses and got just enough loot to be satisfied.  This year we had a Rapunzel

a cupcake

and a ladybug.

The ladybug really wasn't grumpy, but it's darn hard to get a good picture when everybody just wants CANDY!

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