Friday, September 21, 2012

Right Now I Am...

...glad that my shawl is done.  I had to rip back several times because I managed to drop stitches in my lace rows.

….sad that my shawl is done.  I’ve already been looking for a pattern for another one.  But I can’t start it until the Christmas gift I’m knitting is done.

…hoping the bridge fairies will come finish up the analysis of this bridge.  It’s just plain ugly, hydraulically, and I’m ready to be done.  It’s not even mine, I’m finishing it up for the guy who didn’t do it right in the first place.

...hoping to get my car all cleaned up inside and out this weekend.  I don’t end up in the backseat often, but I took a peek the other day and my kids have trashed it back there!

...wondering what to do for craft night tonight with the big girls.  Something they can do mostly themselves.

...wishing my hair would grow faster.  It’s in this horrible stage and I have to use a headband otherwise it’s in my face as it’s too short to tuck behind my ears, but too long to leave unleashed.

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