Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ice Fishing Season?

Summer's unofficially over now that Labor Day has passed and you bet Jeremy's been thinking about ice fishing.  So much so in fact, he got out his ice armor that he got last year.  It's supposed to keep you afloat if you fall in and keep you warm as well.  He's been wanting to go jump in a lake with it on, just to see if it works.
He let me take a picture.  I think it's funny how I managed to get a pic with him holding his collar like that; looking coy, it was totally by accident.

With the cool weather the last few days, Jeremy's getting even more excited.  I burst his bubble by reminding him that ice fishing season won't be until at least December.

**several days after I posted this, he actually did go up to a lake nearby and checked to see if it floats.  Walked right in and flopped down.  The verdict: it does indeed float.

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