Thursday, August 9, 2012

Cloth Diapers

My friend, Heidi, is gonna make a crunchy convert out of me yet!  We’ve made homemade laundry soap, lotion, deoderant, shampoo and toothpaste.  Her hubbie is a stay-at-home-most-of-the-time-dad, so they thought they’d give cloth diapers a try.  Cloth diapers are not like your mom’s cloth diapers anymore....they’ve come a long way.  (I feel like adding the word “baby” at the end of that sentence.)  Besides being less wasteful than disposables, they’re virtually diaper rash proof and cheaper in the long run.  There are a zillion websites out there that tell you the benefits and costs and yada, yada....go read one or more, I’ll wait.  Anyway, they are doing cloth diapers and love, Love, LOVE them.  I asked daycare if they’d be willing to do that as well.  She said it made more work for me, but they didn’t mind....SOooo we are gonna go with cloth diapers.  I got some fun colors and a few fun prints.  They finished arriving today.  So off to the wash machine I go....I’ll let you know how it goes.

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