Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Leah Katelyn

Our last week has been a busy one. Last Sunday, I called 911 while Jeremy was having his second seizure that day. He was taken to the ER, then admitted to the ICU because he had taken quite a bite on his tongue and it was so swollen the doctors were worried about him having problems with breathing and swallowing. He was in the ICU for a day, then transferred to a regular room and stayed there one day and was released on Tuesday. The doctors upped his medication amount. I am now gonna be a nag about making sure he takes his medication when he's supposed to. I think he'd rather me be a nag, than going back to the hospital because of a seizure. He hated being on a liquid diet. And don't tell anyone, but I smuggled him in an Arby's sandwich one afternoon. When he was released, we went to a pizza buffet, I think he may have ate his weight in pizza!

Then on Thursday, we really got quite the surprise. Leah Katelyn made her very unexpected appearance on August 18, 2011 at 4:27pm. A week earlier, I had a version because she was breech. It went quick and they confirmed she was head down. Sometime in the next week, she decided to turn back. So on August 18, I was scheduled to have another version. After they tried to get an IV in me with 3 separate pokes, I said enough, we weren't gonna go any further. So she was not turned. We had a few days until my next scheduled pre-natal appointment to figure out what we'd like to do; turn her again, wait until I go into labor naturally and do a c-section or wait longer, turn her and induce labor.

I go back to work and around noonish something didn't feel right. I felt like I was leaking amniotic fluid. I called the clinic and they suggested I come in to check it out. By the time I get to the clinic, I was convinced that my water had broke. The doctor confirmed what I already knew. They did a quick ultrasound to confirm she was not head down. Leah gave us no choice to decide how she was gonna be born, a c-section it was to be. So I called Jeremy, headed to the hospital, and she was born via c-section that afternoon.  She was 6 lbs, 2 oz and 20 inches long.

Later that afternoon the doctors were concerned about her and drew blood to find out she had a high white cell count. They immediately started antibiotics via IV. They had to stick her several times and ended up getting the IV in her foot. They also had her on oxygen and an oxygen saturation monitor. She was wired up for a few days. We also were having a hard time getting started on breastfeeding. After 48 hours, Leah's blood culture showed nothing of concern, so the IV was taken out, along with the oxygen. She had the sensor on for a few more hours before the doctor was certain she was ok on room air. We got released from the hospital on Sunday. Leah made waves on her way into this world. It was not the way I had wanted, but we have a beautiful baby girl and that's all that matters to us.

We are sick of the hospital and hope not to see it again for a very long time!

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