Monday, February 1, 2010

January in review

I noticed it's been nearly a month since I last, how time does fly.

I'm nearly done sewing the binding on the quilt for our bed. I don't mind hand sewing the binding on, but these big quilts seem like the binding is neverending! Then I'm off to sewing a baby quilt. There's a baby due in my department in April, or so I hear, and all I have stashed away is a girl quilt....I'm trying to make this one gender neutral, but one doesn't realize how hard that is to try to stay away from blue and pink and not have it too "girly."

Jeremy and Grace have been ice fishing fanatics. This last weekend, they went to Boysen...fished Friday, Saturday and part of Sunday and nary a bite....nothing. I guess some bait was missing, but they never actually got anything out of the ice. I woulda got bored and came home way sooner.

I made some curtains for Grace's room, let me rephrase that, I remade some curtains for her room. The one before you had to roll up and tie and it never got opened, so I made some that part down the middle. I used ribbon to tie them to the curtain rod. They match her quilt....way cute! Now I need to repaint the 2 horrid green walls. It was one of those it-looked-good-on-the-swatch-but-not-so-good-on-the-walls color.

Ever feel that you're the only one at home that gives a damn? Toys and the junk from ice fishing weekend are strewn about the house. I'm trying to make dinner with a screaming child that is hungry, get a load in the washer, pick up toys, clear off the table....while another adult is putting new line on his, seemed a little uneven to me....

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