Monday, August 5, 2013

County Fair

I know I've been absent for awhile. Lack of motivation to blog, mostly. Call me a slacker.

I have finally finished my latest knitting adventure.  I call these my garden socks because they remind me of a garden...mostly a carrot garden!  I put ribbing up the back of the leg to keep it up and a roll over cuff.  I used a faux heel flap heel that I think is my new favorite heel type.  It looks clean and fits well and is relatively easy to knit up.

It is county fair time around here. I entered 4 handknits. We went by the fair yesterday to see how well I did and check out the fair. Here are my results.

That's 3 first place ribbons and second place ribbon!  Awesome!  Jeremy was checking out some of the old tractors and the girls where running around like's proof....

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