Sunday, March 14, 2010


On Friday, daycare closed early and it was so bee-u-tee-ful outside. We didn't need our coats while doing some shopping. Saturday was just as wonderful....however, Sunday was overcast and heavy feeling with snow.

Grace got her first professional haircut on Saturday. We went to Fantastic Sams and don't plan on going back there. Grace did very well, but the gal tried to spritz water right in her face and wondered why Grace was tucking her chin under to avoid water in her face! It was just a bang trim and some off the ends, and it looks much better.

We did an unusual thing for the Yearout clan on Sunday, we went to (drum roll please) the mall! And yes, Jeremy came with and it was partly his idea. We checked out Sears, and the puppies, and the candy store. Then we got the girl's ears pierced after lunch. They both wailed pretty good when the poke happened, but were happy girls the rest of the day. I think the hard part for Grace will be waiting the 6 weeks until we can put in "real" earrings. Both girls look so cute with their little bits of bling!

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