Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Several of my friends are taking a Financial Peace University class here in town, it's a Dave Ramsey thing. Anyway, I've been taken in by the hype and Jeremy and I are going to do a budget and use the envelope system starting in April. How nerdy am I, I'm actually excited about it. I will keep my faithful blog readers, the 4 or so of you, up to date on how that's going. Taking the obscene amount of money out of the bank tonight will be a mental challenge, I'm sure!

I started some Amish Friendship Bread 10 days prior to Monday I made some loaves using chocolate pudding. I froze one for later, gave another loaf to a friend and we ate half a loaf that night. I managed to give away 2 cups of the starter to friends, so I have a bit left to make another batch of bread with. I found a recipe for rolls, so I plan on trying that as well.

You know it's spring in Wyoming when you use the heater in the car on the way to work and the air conditioner on the way home from work. Yesterday made it into the 70's. Too bad it was too windy to really enjoy the warm weather.

I wore my Tiny Cable Socks yesterday....and they felt like normal socks, they fit well and I enjoyed thinking that "I made these socks on my toesies!" I almost have the footprint for one foot done for my M-I-L socks (I need to come up with a better name than that!) I had better figure out what pattern I'm doing for the leg here pretty soon. I'm thinking either something called Bubble Wrap or doing a random yarn over to give it small holes here and there. Comments, especially from my mother in law, would be welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you will be busy with your new 'learning' experience.

    I think you need to x-stitch badge that says "I make toesy covers!" You have a lost talent so brag about it!

    As far as leg ideas, I trust your judgement. Let your artistic drive lead you! (and do what you have fun doing) I don't want the project turn into work. Regardless of the decision, I will be the proud owner of a Jeri Original. Who could as for more!

    Your thankful M-I-L
