Monday, February 22, 2010


I just have to get this off my chest.... A girl I knew in college just had a baby. As college roommates and sorority sisters we were inseparable. We have grown apart as we are miles and miles away from each other now. I will say I haven't always kept in the best contact and emails are far and few between. Anyway, she had a baby about a week ago. I found out through Facebook and one of our mutual FB friends that she'd had a little girl. I have yet to actually hear from her saying she had a baby. When I had my first, I called her from the hospital hours after delivery.

A week later, her brother calls and we were asleep and I didn't make it to the phone in time. He got my number from her and was calling to 'officially' inform me of M's birth. So it's upsetting to me that she can't even sent out a mass email saying I had a little girl on such and such a day, her name is yada, yada, yada. And then she gets her brother to do it. I thought we were pretty good friends, but if she can't even inform me of this joyous news, I almost feel a what's-the-point attitude toward her. I do truly miss our friendship and can't say that I'm not the best at keeping up with her, but.....

And now that's off my chest.

And the snow is starting to melt :(

1 comment:

  1. I've had a few friends like that myself. Just remember the baby didn't get to pick her mother so if you want to love-over the baby, that love is for her and she doesn't have to share. In you heart you know you have done the right thing. Sometime others just never figure it out! Sad. But babies are babies and aren't they wonderful!
