Sunday, June 16, 2013

Date Night with Grace

On Friday, Jeremy took the little ones to Douglas to help his parents out and get some camping gear.  They planned on staying the night.  Grace and I decided to have a date night.  We went to Olive Garden and had Italian sodas, wonderful food and too much dessert.

On Saturday, she went to gymnastics as usual, then we went to get haircuts for both of us.  Her long hair was getting tangle-y and was looking rough at the ends.
She wanted it whacked off even shorter, but the hairdresser thought to start with this length and go from there.  I've seen her petting her hair and numerous times she's come to me, saying how much she loves her new hair-do.  I think the hairdresser got it right!

The big girls act totally different when the other one isn't around.  There's nobody to argue with and they behave themselves very nicely.

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