Thursday, June 27, 2013

Denver Part II

We thought going to the amusement park, Elitch Gardens, would best be done on a weekday.  And we were happily rewarded; it wasn't very busy at all.  We were waiting at the gate when it opened.

Unfortunately Leah didn't like many of the rides.  She really seemed to enjoy the little train though.  I know many, many trips with Leah and Grandma were made on that train.

I think everybody enjoyed the day.  And we never even made it to the water park section.  We may make another Elitch Gardens/Ikea trip yet this summer!
A crab hat she won at Plinko

Piloting a hot air balloon

Jeremy is with one of the girls on the kiddie coaster, he's the one with his arms up

Anna and the hamster she won at Plinko

Leah, Grandma and Grandpa taking a breather

Captain Anna

Riding on a Harley

Piloting their aircraft

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Denver Part I

Once I found out there was a "lecture" by my favorite yarn blogger, the Yarnharlot, near Denver on a Saturday afternoon when Jeremy was off, I knew I had to go.  And we thought we'd make a long weekend out of it.  So on Saturday I dropped Jeremy and the girls off at the Children's Museum and I headed to Conifer where the lecture was.  She was hilarious and informative and the audience was knitting; it was great.    On a whim, Jeremy's parents joined us for part of the weekend.  .

On Sunday, we decided to go to this park while we waited for some stores to open.  It had a tree house and a big play area.

Then we went to Ikea and Bass Pro Shops.  I was so impressed by Ikea that I dreamt about it that night and we are planning a trip back later this summer.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Date Night with Grace

On Friday, Jeremy took the little ones to Douglas to help his parents out and get some camping gear.  They planned on staying the night.  Grace and I decided to have a date night.  We went to Olive Garden and had Italian sodas, wonderful food and too much dessert.

On Saturday, she went to gymnastics as usual, then we went to get haircuts for both of us.  Her long hair was getting tangle-y and was looking rough at the ends.
She wanted it whacked off even shorter, but the hairdresser thought to start with this length and go from there.  I've seen her petting her hair and numerous times she's come to me, saying how much she loves her new hair-do.  I think the hairdresser got it right!

The big girls act totally different when the other one isn't around.  There's nobody to argue with and they behave themselves very nicely.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Anna's Graduation

Tonight Anna graduated from preschool.  Her preschool put on a big ceremony.  We watched a slide show of them as babies and now.  And we heard them sing some songs. Jeremy was even able to get the night off.  Here's to the class of 2026!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pool and Marshmallows

Yesterday was bee-u-ti-ful.  We went to Lion’s Park and waded at the “beach” until there was too much complaining about sand in the shoes and not wanting to be there....then we went home.

We filled up the pool so the girls could go swimming.  Leah hopped in before I could get her out of her clothes, oh well.  They had a blast even though that water was still darn cold in the afternoon.

Then we used our fire pit and roasted some marshmallows.  The metal ring gets it nice and hot in there and it made the perfect roasted marshmallows, they didn’t burn, but got nice and toasty and melt-y all the way through.  It was comical to watch Leah eat them.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Sunset Wristwarmers

I finished a pair of wristwarmers before Memorial Day weekend, but I'm just getting around to posting about them.  It's rather hard to take pictures of your own hands, so I enlisted the help of my 7 year old.  I really like the color of these suckers, it reminds me of a beautiful sunset.

I probably won't be needing these for awhile.  I made them because my hands gets cold in the winter at work, especially my mouse hand.  Ironically my hands were cold yesterday and I wish I would have had them.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Grace's Ordeal

A little bit of not-so-much-fun around here.  Grace has said her tummy hurt since Sunday and you could tell; she’d just lay around and wasn’t her usual self.  So Monday evening we took her to urgent care.  They determined it was a urinary tract infection, gave her some antibiotics and sent her home.  She stayed with Jeremy yesterday and he said she’d be ok, then in pain off and on.  So we took her to the ER.  They couldn’t find a problem, so they switched her antibiotics and sent us home after much waiting and ruckus from the little ones.  She woke up this morning and you could tell she was feeling much better.  You didn’t have to ask her; you could totally tell she wasn’t in pain.  So off she went to daycare today.  The word appendicitis popped up several times in the last few days.  The pain wasn’t localized enough for them to say for sure; so we are using the wait and see approach.  Then to top it off, the poor kid had to get a filling this afternoon.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I am a poor blogger and family historian.  We’ve had some fun the last couple of weeks and there is not one shred of pictoral evidence to prove it.  We had a joint bowling birthday party for Anna and Jeremy in which my 3 year old niece beat nearly everybody.  We went to visit my parents over Memorial Day weekend and got to see my grandma, my sister and her family and the mountains...only evidence is a couple of pictures of moose taken by Jeremy.  I’ve been off an on sick for too darn long.  In fact, Jeremy planted the garden and has taken care of it, I haven’t even checked it out yet.  Grace is no longer a first grader; she passed with all A’s on her report card and nearly half way along her summer reading program path at the library.  All of our geese have mysteriously disappeared.  Only one was found dead, the other 5 disappeared without a trace, all within a week.  Whew, now that you are caught up, I’ll try to be a bit better about updating things around here.  Do you think I can convince Jeremy that buying a good camera will make me a better blogger??