Wednesday, April 24, 2013


We’ve had quite the spring around here.  And I use the term spring only because that’s what the calendar says.  We’ve had some snow around here, several storms in fact.  One week I was stuck home because the road to town was closed for 2 days.  The next week I was at home for nearly 4 days because I didn’t dare venture out as it was literally a white out.
That made for quite the harrowing trip home one day.  While on the dirt road I couldn’t see any road markers, thank heavens the road is straight and when I saw a street sign I knew I’d made it through that part.  It was white on white.  I stopped when my car hit the drift that usually forms by our back door and there my car stayed for 2 days.

Grace had 2 early release days and 2 snow days out of that storm.  Jeremy did manage to work nights as usual...although it took him twice the amount of time to get home.

I did manage to finish a pair of socks and start some wrist warmers.  The girls kept busy with drawing and reading, which somehow leaves the house in utter chaos. 

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