Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Rooms and a Shawl

The girls have been at Grandma and Grandpa Yearout's since Saturday.  I did a LOT of decluttering and rearranging while they were gone.  Grace and Anna shared a room while Leah's stuff was in the other room.  Her crib is still in our room.  There was a twin bed set up in Leah's room.  We decided to put Anna and Leah together and Grace now has her own room.  It's a bit crowded in Leah and Anna's room, but I think this might resolve some issues we've been having between Grace and Anna.

Here's some pictures of Anna and Leah's room.  While cleaning the rooms, I found things that I thought had gone missing forever (scissors, clothes) and the mates to a whole bunch of socks I thought the washer had eaten.  Now to try to keep the rooms clean will be a goal of mine.

The last day of the year, my Color Affection shawl came off the needles.  I wasn't pleased with it at first, but after a bath and blocking, I totally changed my mind!
I'm so going to wear it to work that sucker off!  I think that's probably the biggest and most time consuming thing I've made to date.

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