Monday, April 23, 2012

Weekend & Body Wash

Wow, over the weekend I got a lot accomplished.  I canned some carrots; 6 pints in fact.  I forgot to take a picture before I took then downstairs.  Imagine 6 lovely pints of carrots here.  I also had to use up some zucchini from the last bountiful basket.  So I made 2 loaves of zucchini bread....yet again, imagine a picture here.  I have a bunch of training this week until 5:00, so I premade some dinner.  After training, I have to pick up Anna and Leah from daycare, then I have to run to Burns and pick up Grace.  I probably won't actually be home until after 6...Jeremy may beat us home.  I ain't gonna wanna be making dinner when we should be eating by then.  So I made some soup, chicken pasta salad, broccoli salad and egg salad to throw some things together easy enough when I get home.  I also made laundry soap, you saw that post yesterday.  I made some body wash too.  Jeremy bought a whole bunch of Irish Spring bars before he broke his hand.  Then when he had to use a plastic bag on his hand, he decided body wash was easier to use.  After searching the internet for some recipes and then kind of throwing them together, I made some.
 Here's the soap and water melting together in the pot.
Here's the finished product all ready to be put in the bottle.  I made a small batch with 2 bars of soap and 6 cups of water, to be sure it turned out the right consistency.  Jeremy said it was a bit thin, so next time I'll use a bit less water.  And much cheaper than buying body wash all the time.

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