Sunday, April 22, 2012

Laundry Soap

Awhile back, I thought I would give making laundry soap a try...again.  I made powdered stuff several years ago and just didn't like it because the soap was never grated fine enough and left little soap balls on the clothes.  After talking to a couple of my coworkers, I thought I'd try making liquid laundry soap.  I used a recipe from the Duggar's blog.  I made my first batch several months ago and it was super easy and cleaned my clothes.  I was about out, so this weekend, I made another batch.
Here's the grated soap in the pot.  The Fels Naptha sure smells good.
After adding the water, before the soap begins to melt.
In the 5 gallon bucket with the melted soap and other ingredients.  This was taken before the overnight sit to gel up.  This morning I divided it up among the old milk containers and added the remainder of the water.  I got about 10 gallons of laundry soap.  Now that it's documented, I'll see how long it takes to use all of it up. If you look around the internet, this stuff is around a penny a load....super money saving.

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