Monday, September 26, 2011

Babies Everywhere

There's gonna be a rash of babies around here! Jeremy's parents will add 4 new grandbabies in the next year, one from each of their children. Leah was the first, the last one is due this spring. I thought I would make knitted sweaters for the new babies. The first took me 2 weeks, which is nearly a knitting record for me. It's the seamless infant kimono.  My "model" was sleeping when I was taking pictures, but I did try it on Leah and it will fit a newborn well.

The second sweater I've been eyeing for awhile on Yarn Harlot's website, so I've started that one, the Tulip sweater.

This is my last week of maternity leave, I can't believe these 6 weeks have flown by. Leah stays awake more each day. She's doing pretty good at holding her head up, there's still some head bobbing. And last night I got a full 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Awhile back, Clyde, the chihuahua went missing. The neighbor gal found his collar and remains just down the road, right on the side of the road. The mystery has been solved, but it makes me wonder about what happened because he was found right by the driveway of the neighbor who's threatened our dogs before.

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