Friday, June 3, 2011

Welcome Warm Weather

We have finally got some more season appropriate temperatures around here. It's been in the 70's and 80's most of the week. I finally got my garden planted. We planted peas, green beans, cucumbers, carrots, corn and okra. Jeremy wanted okra so we'll see how that goes. And it is the season when all the trees are in bloom. I captured some of these apple trees where I work. You walk by and it smells wonderful.

Jeremy's working 7 nights in a row, which isn't his usual schedule. I try to make breakfast on the weekends so he has something to eat when he gets home. I'm running out of ideas…eggs, waffles, pancakes and hot cereal get pretty old. I might try a coffeecake or something this weekend.

Yesterday, Grace got her immunizations needed before she starts kindergarten. She screamed bloody murder, but I think the Barbie helped her mood out.

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