Monday, November 23, 2009

More Necklaces

This is Jeremy on Rusty, our new horse. The weather was nice enough over the weekend for Jeremy to take a test-drive.
These are two of the necklaces I've made lately. I've been going back and making earrings to go with the necklaces which is quick and easy.

I haven't been much in the mood lately to do any sewing, but this morning I put the machine back on the table and sewed some rows together on the quilt I'm making for the master bedroom. The quilt we have on the bed now I made right before we got married, so it's 7 years old now and showing quite a bit of wear and tear. I've patched many a rip and now the seams are starting to come undone and there are holes.
The doctor called me the other day and said that the sore that I had removed last week was a dermatofibroma, which is just a growth of scar tissue. They are not sure what causes it; it could be from a bug bite. But it is nothing to worry about, and I get my stitches out in 2 days.

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