Sunday, September 13, 2015

Miscellaneous Catch Up

Anna got a haircut several weeks ago, but I'm just now getting to a picture.  On top of some things, I am not.  I shall blame the 4H record book that Grace and I have been working on, it's due next week.  Anyway, a picture of Anna's new hairdo.  She seems to like it shorter.
I've finished up a few knitting things that I thought I'd toot my own horn about.  Toot!  Toot!
 The wrap turned out to be long, which is what I was looking for, a wrap that actually is big enough to wrap around you, what a novel idea?  J
 My lovely model.  I worked on this sucker most of the summer and am glad to be done.
 I made some pants for Henry for the coming winter.  They are called monster longies and I whipped these babies out pretty fast.  I think I might make another pair.  They are super cute!
On a fabulously positive note, Grace managed to raise more than needed for her ARBA convention coming up at the end of October.  This year it's in Portland, Oregon.

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