Monday, April 6, 2015

Oh, He's Sneaky!

Oh, ho, ho, he's a sneaky one.  Sometime recently my husband bought 2 turkey chicks.  He banded their legs (so he knew which were which) and kept them with the guinea chicks until the guinea chicks went out to the chicken coop.  The turkey chicks are still downstairs staying cozy with their heat lamp.  He didn't tell me when he bought them.  I think it was at the same time he bought the guinea chicks.  Anyway I thought I'd show you some turkey chicks.
Grace has been fooling with her baby bunnies.  Since there's only three, she brought them in the house in a box the other day.  Henry was checking them out.

 We'd just got home from who knows where and he was content, so he was still sitting in his car seat.  And just because....
My oldest and my youngest...what a bunch of cutie patooties.  (I may just be a bit biased!)

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