Sunday, March 8, 2015

Henry's Hospital Stay

Daycare called me on Thursday saying Henry was lethargic and running a fever. We went to urgent care where they recommended we go to the ER.  He tested positive for RSV and a chest x-ray showed pneumonia.  They started an IV and oxygen and we were admitted to the hospital.  Friday, he was having trouble breathing, so they put him on a CPAP.  It used warmed, humidified air with pressure behind it so he didn't have to labor so hard to breathe.  He was back to regular oxygen on Saturday and you could tell he was feeling better.  He was awake more and looking around and flashing us smiles.  Now we're just waiting until the doctors feel he's good enough to head home.

I realized I haven't left his room since Thursday evening.  This hospital internet is slow and won't upload my photos.  I'll post some pictures later.

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