Tuesday, March 31, 2015


How about an animal update?  The chickens are now in the chicken coop.  And, knock on wood, we haven’t lost a single one to date.  The guineas we got about a 2 weeks ago are in the coop with the chickens.  We lost a few of those early on.  The pigs are pigging away in their newly expanded pen.  When Jeremy goes out there and oinks at them, they come running looking for goodies.  Our three baby bunnies are cute as all get out.  We have some more baby bunnies due to arrive later this week.  What have I left out?  Oh, Mrs. Turkey has been laying eggs again.  We are supposed to be getting geese here soon, when the farm store gets then in.  Oh, and Henry is just as cute as can be.  Still perfecting his rolling over and smiles.
baby Himilayan bunnies

chickens and guineas in the coop

the 3 little pigs

oink, oink
cutie patootie (I might be slightly biased!)

practicing holding that head up

Friday, March 20, 2015

Child Dedication

This last weekend we dedicated our children at our church.  It’s a version of baptism.  It is an opportunity to dedicate ourselves, and the kiddos, to God.  We made a public commitment to model and teach our faith to the kids. The church also promises to support us and the kids as a family of faith.  We all got to go on stage, along with some other families, and have a small ceremony.  Each of the kids got an age appropriate version of the Bible or Bible stories.

This is Pastor Galen giving the girls their books up on stage.

On another note, Henry rolled over several times the other day.  He seems awfully young to be doing this, but it's happened more than once on different days.  He is already growing too fast for this mommy.  One of my friends comments that he's already rolling over because he came out half grown already.  J

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Knitted Things

I'm on a roll!  How many blog posts in a row, now?  Anyway, these are the latest knitty things I have finished recently.

I finished this sweater for Henry before he was born. It's meant to cover his back and arms, not so much the front, for skin to skin, but still keeping his back warm.

These socks are the inverse of each other, black with purple stripes and purple with black stripes.  Matchy, but not...how cool!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


We have added to our menagerie of animals here a Chez Yearout.  We got 3 piglets, about 6 weeks old.  They are pretty wild and pretty noisy when you try to fool with them.  Come fall, they will grace our dinner plates.  The girls have named them Hammie, Sweetie and Bacon and can tell which is which by the speckles on their rumps.  Meet our piglets...
That doghouse in their pen is one my Grandpa made before he died in 1988.  The floor has long since rotted away, but the rest is still nice and sturdy, perfect to keep baby piggies warm!

Monday, March 9, 2015

More On Henry's Hospital Visit

He got his IV out Sunday evening, then I gave him a bath.  That was the first time we'd left the room since we were admitted.  We got discharged Monday afternoon.  Henry has to be on oxygen for the next 2 weeks, at least.  We have a follow up appointment and decide then.  Some pics from his hospital stay.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Henry's Hospital Stay

Daycare called me on Thursday saying Henry was lethargic and running a fever. We went to urgent care where they recommended we go to the ER.  He tested positive for RSV and a chest x-ray showed pneumonia.  They started an IV and oxygen and we were admitted to the hospital.  Friday, he was having trouble breathing, so they put him on a CPAP.  It used warmed, humidified air with pressure behind it so he didn't have to labor so hard to breathe.  He was back to regular oxygen on Saturday and you could tell he was feeling better.  He was awake more and looking around and flashing us smiles.  Now we're just waiting until the doctors feel he's good enough to head home.

I realized I haven't left his room since Thursday evening.  This hospital internet is slow and won't upload my photos.  I'll post some pictures later.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


That time of year again, when the farm store gets in the baby chicks.  We had completely got rid of the bunch we had and buying eggs at the store feels odd!  Anna enjoys catching the adult birds and feeding them, so we decided that the birds will be Anna's and she gets to pick them out.  Today we brought home 17 chicks; 8 Easter eggs chicks, 4 Black Sex Links, and 5 Rhode Island Reds.  Anna has already named one Richard.  What a silly girl!
The box of chicks

Inside the box o' fuzz

A Rhode Island Red

All settled into the cage in the basement