Monday, February 23, 2015


I thought I'd update on the goings on around here at Chez Yearout.

I went back to work today after having Henry in early January.  I was sad to leave him at daycare.  I miss him laying against me after falling asleep while nursing. And I'd much rather feed him than pump at work. My friends did make me feel special today though, I got a bouquet of carnations, a container of cookies and a Welcome Back banner.

Today also marks a milestone for Leah.  She went to daycare in undies!  It was suggested to try her in undies over the weekend and she how she did.  She was so ready.  I was just being lazy and "allowing" her to go in her pullup.

On the animal front...we have gotten rid of all the chickens and eagerly awaiting the farm store to get them in so we can pick out a new crop.  We are gonna get some weaner pigs in a couple of weeks when they are old enough, raise them up and send them off to slaughter come fall.  Bring on the bacon and ham!  Along with chickens, Jeremy wants to get some geese and guinea hens.  We still have our hen and Tom the turkey.

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