Monday, October 5, 2015

Big Trouble (in a little shirt)

Henry has had a burst of new accomplishments lately.  He's a pro at sitting.  He's army crawling all over the place.  I've seen him crawl on his hands and knees a few times, but it's mostly on his belly.  He's been pulling himself up too, a lot!  Every time I turn around he's trying to get into trouble.  My bottom drawers in the kitchen don't hold a lot as every kiddo has found those drawers fascinating.  Same for this kiddo.  Here's some pics of Henry attempting to get in trouble!

 His uncle gave us this hat and it finally fits!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Miscellaneous Catch Up

Anna got a haircut several weeks ago, but I'm just now getting to a picture.  On top of some things, I am not.  I shall blame the 4H record book that Grace and I have been working on, it's due next week.  Anyway, a picture of Anna's new hairdo.  She seems to like it shorter.
I've finished up a few knitting things that I thought I'd toot my own horn about.  Toot!  Toot!
 The wrap turned out to be long, which is what I was looking for, a wrap that actually is big enough to wrap around you, what a novel idea?  J
 My lovely model.  I worked on this sucker most of the summer and am glad to be done.
 I made some pants for Henry for the coming winter.  They are called monster longies and I whipped these babies out pretty fast.  I think I might make another pair.  They are super cute!
On a fabulously positive note, Grace managed to raise more than needed for her ARBA convention coming up at the end of October.  This year it's in Portland, Oregon.

Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School

Grace and Anna’s first day of school was today.  You could tell there was excitement…when I woke them up, they jumped out of bed.  Unfortunately, I know this won’t last.  Lots of excitement packing lunches and getting dressed and eating breakfast.  After they were completely ready, they went outside to ride their bikes.  They got on the bus, there were no tears from any party, child or adult, as this is all old hat by now.  Leah didn’t want to go to daycare, as is standard lately.  I imagine she’ll be starting preschool work here pretty soon at her daycare.

And because you need a goofy back to school photo!  

They both agreed that today was a pretty good day!  I got to hear all about who's in their class and what they did today in minute detail.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Big Horns

We recently came back from our nearly annual trip to the Big Horns and my grandma's cabin.  We saw deer, elk, and moose.  We also celebrated Leah's 4th birthday.  Did a little bit of hikin', a little bit of fishin' and a lot of drivin'. 

This was taken at home as I forgot to take any at the cabin.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

State Fair

Grace had the opportunity to go to State Fair.  We had back to back rabbit shows, one was an ARBA show with an open class and one was a 4H/FFA show.  She did pretty well at the ARBA show, she got 2 Best of Breeds and Best of Show-Youth, which is pretty fabulous.  Then she was on fire on the 4H/FFA show.  She won Best of Breed and Best of Show for 4 Class rabbits (non-meat rabbits)...which means the judges thought her rabbit was the best rabbit there!  And she won Champion Junior 4H Rabbit Showmanship and got a big ol' belt buckle!  This kid makes me one proud mama.

These are the ARBA show ribbons

These are the 4H/FFA show ribbons

Her showmanship ribbon and belt buckle
And because I want to toot my own horn, here's all my winnings from county fair.  Not too shabby indeed.  Seven blues, 2 reds and 2 Superiors.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

2015 County Fair

Oh my, what a busy week it has been!  The girls are sleep deprived and have been eating a lot of fair junk.  Grace did fabulously, just like last year.  This year she didn't take as many rabbits.  She won Champion 4-H Jr. Showmanship and Reserve Champion with her Himalayan.  She also did round robin where you do showmanship with other small animals.  She got second; however there were only 3 kids doing it!  I have some pictures to share.
waiting for showmanship, she's got her bunny cradled in her arms

doing showmanship

doing showmanship

waiting and watching during showmanship

with her award banner

with her Reserve Champion bunny
 One day at fair they went and milked a goat.  They said the udder felt "neat" and actually were able to get some milk out.  Somehow I see a goat in our future.

Tomorrow and Monday we have shows at State Fair in Douglas.  More competition, but Grace knows what she's doing and gets it done.  Good luck at State, Grace!

Friday, August 7, 2015


After our trip to the Black Hills, we determined that our car was just too small for all of our stuff.  Then the Rabbit show the end of July resulted in us taking 2 vehicles, because we can't fit rabbits and accessories and people all in my car.  So my old silver granny car went down the road and we welcomed Red!  More of a gas guzzler than my silver car, but we can fit everybody and rabbits and accessories and still have a bit of room to spare.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Hot Tub

After taking a dip in a friend hot tub earlier this summer, I'd been pining away for one of my own.  Luck fell from the sky a about a month ago.  The same friend's brother was selling their hot tub for a song.  It's a Softub; we had to go to Greeley to pick it up.  We've had it about a month or so now and I can count on my hand how many nights I have NOT used it!  If you get in once the sun is down and it's starting to cool off, it's fabulous.  And I fall asleep the minute my head hits the pillow.

The girls had some fun in it the other night.  Leah was a little scared at first, but quickly began having fun.  Anna kept going under water.  I think it's to outshine Grace, who is scared to put her head under water!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Rabbit Show in Laramie

Yesterday there was a rabbit show in Laramie.  With only one breed of rabbit, the shows go pretty slow as you wait for your breed to be called.  There were 2 youth shows and Grace got Champion and Reserve Champion in each show for her breed.  Then if your rabbit gets Best of Breed (same as Champion) then when all the breeds have been judged all the Best of Breeds compete against each other for Best of Show.  Grace got a runner up in Best of Show, which is fabulous.  She's never been commended during Best of Show.
It sure got hot in that barn and Leah's feet ended up being black from all her running around.  Grandma and Grandpa Y ended up coming up to hang out with us for the day.  Henry behaved himself and got lots of cuddles from one of Grace's Rabbit Judging Team members.

Our county fair starts up next week.  Here's hoping she does fabulously like last year.  She sure has been blessed with luck in her 4-H rabbit foray!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Black Hills

We took a long weekend, loaded the car and headed to the Black Hills of South Dakota.  It was beautiful over there.  We took this road that had pigtail bridges where the road crosses over itself.  How cool to this engineer!  We took in Mt. Rushmore, Keystone, Hill City, rode the 1880 Train.  We also went to Reptile Gardens, the Cosmos and Bear Country.  Here is a picture filled post of what we saw and did.
buffalo along side the road

pigtail bridge

on the 1880 Train

on the 1880 Train

the 1880 Train engine

Mt. Rushmore with the kiddos

turtle fossil at Reptile Gardens

petting a baby alligator

petting a giant tortoise

the 1880 Train

the 1880 Train engine filling with water

lazy black bear

Grizzly bear

kiddos at Bear Country