Saturday, August 9, 2014

County Fair

Blame it on lack of motivation, a feeling of “who really wants to read about all the details in my life” or morning sickness or whatever for not writing a post in so long.  But I am so proud of my girl I have to shout about it over the internet.

County Fair is this week and rabbit shows were yesterday and today.  Grace has done so well.  So won Champion 4-H Junior Rabbit Showmanship, Champion and Reserve Single Fryer and Reserve Champion Meat Pen.

The meat pen and fryers are all up to the rabbit and how well they look, etc.  Showmanship is all about the kid and how well they know their rabbit.  We wrote the intro together and she’d practiced several times, fooled with her rabbit a lot, but I admit, I was worried.  I was afraid she’d forget the intro we practiced, get panicked and run away with tears in her eyes.  But she was confident and did so well.  The judge even said she answered questions about her rabbit that older kids didn’t know, like fur type and varieties of the breed.

You can't believe how proud I am of this kiddo!

On a side note, I won superior ribbons for both of the handknits I entered!

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