Sunday, March 23, 2014

Charlotte the Rabbit

A friend of mine asked me to donate a quilt to an auction to raise money for a man he knows who is battling cancer.  I, of course, said I definitely would do so.  I hadn't made a quilt in a while and I'd forgotten how much I enjoying doing so.
Grace recently joined 4H and decided she would like to do her project on rabbits.  We found a gal who was selling rabbits for 4H projects and we bought this Dutch rabbit.  Grace named her Charlotte.  She is currently in a cage in Grace's room.  The plan is to show her at county fair this summer.  So far she seems like a very well behaved rabbit.  I swear she's stuffed when we take her out of the cage, as she barely moves!

Monday, March 17, 2014

An Awesome Chance

Remember last summer when I was fortunate enough to go see the Yarn Harlot talk?  I was reading her blog and found out she was headed to Denver along her book signing route.  I quick look at Jeremy's schedule and he was off that day.  Instead of having him go with me, he was assigned baby sitting detail and me and a fellow knitter planned to go see her.  It was on a Monday evening, so we spent the night.
This is a picture from her blog.  See, there I am right under the arrow in the second row!  On my left is Heidi, my fellow knitta!  We got to the bookstore several hours before the event, so we be able to be near the front.  We were 12th and 13th in line.  She told a story about dentists in the Dominican Republic that had me laughing so hard there were tears rolling down my cheeks.

While waiting in line, we were able to have a marathon knit session.  Without it, these socks wouldn't have been done nearly as quickly.
And guess what socks I'm wearing to work today!  Yep, these babies.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

You Know Spring is Coming When...

....a few of these take up residence in your basement.

We bought 15 chickens of various breeds and 5 guineas.  We have already had one not make it.  The girls are enjoying the little chicks.