Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Broken Bone

About 7 on Saturday night, Jeremy comes upstairs, holding a rag to his hand and says it hurts.  He's accident prone, so I figured he'd cut himself or something.  He shows me his boo-boo....bloody and swollen nearly twice it's normal size.  We were going to the ER.  I loaded everybody up.  They took an x-ray to find out he'd broken a bone in his hand.  They cleaned up the wound, he got 3 stitches, the splinted him up, gave him some antibiotics via IV, some pain meds and sent us home.  We got home around 11:30. 
See the broken bone in the hand under the pinky....that's the one.

We went and saw the orthopedic doctor today.  His hand is still quite swollen.  He did get his stitches out and they gave him a proper cast (hot pink!) and they want to see him back in a month.  Unfortunately he can't work because he can't wear the proper personal protection equipment.  He may be able to get STD (short term disability....not the other, HA!) and the boss said he'd look to see if there might be something he can do at work.
 Notice how swollen and yellow (from bruising) his right hand is....his palm was still slightly purple.
Sportin' his brand new hot pink cast.  He chose the color and says real men aren't afraid to wear pink

Monday, February 13, 2012

Random Pictures

I collected a few pictures this weekend I would like to share.
Anna hanging out on the floor after a bath.  Notice the thumb in the mouth and the blankie right up there with it.  That's a typical Anna pose.  And I'm pretty sure her eyes are glued to cartoons...that's a typical Anna pose as well.
Leah in her swing after waking up from a nap.  That's this sweater she's wearing.  Look at those baby blues. I hope she keeps them, the other girls have daddy's eyes.  It'd be nice to have one with my eyes.
And even on a weekend, you MUST be fashionable.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Leah's Hat

Since Leah's small so knitting her up some clothes is quick.  I like the satisfaction of a quick knit.  This hat took me a week.  And there's plenty of growing room.  I put it on her this morning for a ride to town.  By the time we got to town, it had completely turned around and was covering her face, and she was screaming bloody murder!  Pretty strange looking all alone posing for the picture.
But super cute on said baby!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Last Cardigan and a New Baby

This is the last baby cardigan...hopefully for awhile!
I think maybe I should have made the band in the middle wider...oh well, I still think it looks fabulous.  This is for Jeremy's brother's baby, gender unknown.  I think it'll work pretty well for a boy or a girl.  The kiddo isn't supposed to be here until late March.

Speaking of babies, my other sister-in-law had her baby on Friday, February 10.  Kaylee Anne made her arrival early in the morning.  We will be making our trip to see the new niece next weekend.  Welcome to the family, Kaylee!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Senior Plant Operator

Jeremy has a new position at work.  He's now a Senior Plant Operator.  Heck if I know what he does now.  I do know that he has more responsibility, he's moving to a new crew and he gets a pay raise.  With the way it falls with his crazy schedule this means that last weekend he worked nights...and now this weekend he works nights again.  He's not too fond of the crew he's going to, but I think he can whip them in shape since he has more seniority than most of them and the crew leader likes him.  I'm so proud of my hubby!

I have finished the last baby cardigan.  I haven't gotten the opportunity to take its picture yet though.  I also was browsing for a new thing to knit and was gonna make these awesome mittens.  But I got sidetracked by this super cute baby hat.  I cast on the baby hat on Friday and hopefully will have it nearly whipped out by this weekend.

Monday, February 6, 2012

All to Ourselves

Yesterday morning the girls and I had to kill some time before a store opened, so we went to the kids play area in the mall.  Seeing as the mall wasn't open yet, we had it all to ourselves.  Unfortunately, the maintenance guy had to vacuum so we were kinda run out of there.

 This is the "grumpy" Anna look.
 They are swimming in the stream on the carpet.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I got a text message with a picture of the new nephew, Bridger, wearing the sweater I made him.  It looks like it fits (the sleeves were a little short on purpose).  It warms my heart to have my knits being used!

Speaking of knitting, my circular kneedles have not had a good storage solution.  After checking out the internet (oh, how I love thee!) I found a pattern (not a pattern really, more of an idea) for a storage solution.  I whipped it out this morning.  My picture wouldn't download, but it looks similar to this.