Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gone Fishin'

This morning, Jeremy, Grace and Anna left bright (well, not really, it was 4:30AM) and early to head to Douglas.  The girls are gonna stay with Grandma and their cousin while Jeremy, his dad and his brother-in-law head to North Dakota to do some serious ice fishing.  The plan was for Grace to go fishing too, but she'd rather stay with Grandma.  I think Jeremy was a little disappointed, he really enjoys her being along.  So it's just me and Leah for the next few days.  I think we might go to Douglas for part of the weekend, but that depends on if I catch up on the things that pile up.  I'm sure I'll be eager for some adult conversation tho!

The wind is rip roaring out there right now.  I thought the roof of the house was gonna blow off and when you go outside you get pummeled by sand.  I'm pretty sure it's actually small gravel.  You get a work out just walking outside and not being blown away.  And it's warm, like 45° out there.  Give me the 20° weather with no wind anyday!

This isn't today's sunrise, but the post needed a picture.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Yet another....

Ok, I'm sure you guys are sick of looking at baby cardigans, but I have finished another one.
The picture doesn't show it so well, but the buttons are made of shell and remind me of abalone...I think they fit this purple-y sweater to a T!

Monday, December 26, 2011


Santa came to our house a day early since Jeremy had to work Christmas day.  We went to look at Christmas lights, then we all hopped into our beds so Santa could come.  Here is a before shot.
 And here is the after shot with paper and boxes littering the floor, amongst all the gifts.  The girls ripped through it so fast, I'm not sure who gave them what!  But I know they are loving it all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Messin' Around

I was just fooling with Leah on the floor taking pictures.  Lately the child seems to be growing by leaps and bounds, she recently got a new wardrobe because the 0-3 months clothes were quickly getting too small.  Her hands are always in her mouth anymore too.  We have given her some rice cereal and it about 4 or so bites seem to go mostly down, and then we're done.  Last night she even opened her mouth for the spoon.  Soon on to something more adventuresome than rice cereal!

Anna wanted in the picture too.  It was either cut off some of her and Leah or she was laying on Leah, I opted for the former.

New Skirts

Lately is seems as if the big girls pants have all erupted with holes on the knees.  Instead of trying to fix them, I decided I'd turn them into skirts.  They both wanted the same cupcake print and since I've finished them there has been a few fights on who's is who's.

The next set of skirts will be totally different prints!  They seem to love them and they turned out good enough I think there will be a pair of tights in their stockings so they can wear them to school.

Friday, December 16, 2011

On The Lake

Anna and Jeremy went ice fishing the other day on a lake nearby.  The ice was about 6 inches thick.  This is the first time Anna's caught anything through the ice.  Her first ice fishing escapade without me tagging along too.  They caught 3 trout.  Here's Anna proudly displaying her catch. 

Notice that big smile!  I'm so glad Jeremy loves taking the girls ice fishing.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another Christmas Program

Last night was Anna's Christmas program.  I think trying to get 3, 4, and 5 year olds to sing on stage is like herding cats, it really doesn't happen.  I don't think Anna sang any songs, she was busy twirling her dress or looking around.  We got some pictures, pre-program.  Anna was just bopping around and a good one was hard to get.

She looks a little intense in the last picture.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Another Cardigan

I finished another baby sweater.  I think it turned out pretty well.  This is for one of my future nieces or nephews due to come along next year.
This is the Puerperium Cardigan made to be able to easily get on a newborn.  I have since started another one in a girl color.

Today Anna and Jeremy are planning to go ice fishing.  Jeremy was at a reservoir outside of town and there was sufficient ice and he's been itching at the bit since early this fall.  Hopefully they catch a few!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Elf Naughtiness

We woke up this morning to find Manny, our Elf on the Shelf, had brought some special snow back from the North Pole and made a snow angel on our table!

Yesterday also marked Grace's 6th Birthday.  It sounds like her teacher brought in brownies and Grace got a special "Birthday girl" star to wear on her shirt.  She decided she wanted to go to Applebees for dinner.  They sang her Happy Birthday and she got all embarrassed and tried to hide in my armpit.  To prove that she's older, she promptly threw a fit this morning because she didn't like any of her clothes....ohhhh boy!

One Christmas Program Down...One to Go

The other night was Grace's Christmas program at her school.  It was the kindergarten, first and second graders.  Each class sang a song, then they sang a couple together.  It was too stinkin' cute!  She was so excited to wear tights and "high heels."

Then afterwards, we went and picked up the gingerbread house they made at school that day and went to see her classroom.
I think she used every available piece of candy for her house; it was chocked full!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Visit with Santa

Over the weekend, we went to the mall to see Santa so the girls could tell him what they wanted for Christmas.  Of course, you can't take your own pictures, you have to buy their overly priced pictures.  However; a picture was taken covertly of Grace and Santa.

Anna decided she didn't want to sit on his lap, but she did tell him what she wanted for Christmas.

We also had an Elf on the Shelf arrive at our house over the weekend.  The girls named him Manny.  Each morning it's a game to find where he sat himself down after reporting to Santa while they slept.  So far he has been pretty good and hid in the curtains, on the tree, and from the ceiling fan pull cord.  But one night he got a little mischievous and squirted some toothpaste on the bathroom counter and put some of the stuff on the counter in the sink.

Monday, December 5, 2011

There it....went

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve updated anything on here.  Lately it seems like life is cruising along at 60mph and I’m over in the slow lane doing 45.  This is especially true on nights when I get home and immediately have to make dinner.  By the time it’s cleaned up and I’ve got lunches packed for the next day, it’s only half an hour until bedtime.  Hopefully this week slows down a bit.  For your enjoyment pleasure I have a picture of my oldest and youngest.  Anna didn’t wanna pose in her shirt.  I made them all a Christmas shirt.  I’ll post a picture of it when it’s not all wrinkled up on a kiddo tummy.