Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tummy Time

We are having a bunch of firsts around here.  This actually happened before Grace's lost tooth, but I didn't have a good picture of Leah to attach....but now I do.  The other day she rolled from her tummy to her back.  At first I thought it might have been luck.  But then she did it again later that day.  Of course, she hasn't done it since.  And the child is all smiles, all you have to do is talk to her and she smiles away.  The kind of smile that uses the whole face, so happy!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gap Tooth

I went to pick Grace up at school last night and she ran up to me with all excited.  She had lost a tooth today.  Apparently she was eating an apple and it came right out.  We hadn't noticed it being loose, so this was quite the surprise.  The tooth fairy's pockets are a little deeper than I remember them being when I was a kid.  Inflation, I guess!  :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Little Picture

Grace is always drawing pictures, but lately they've become pretty darn good for a 5 year old. 
I think you can tell what they are even if she didn't label them.  Not that I'm a proud mama or anything.  :)

And there's news on the Leah front...she rolled from her tummy to her back today.  Not sure if it was a fluke; she got the arm and leg in the right place at the right time....or we're on to bigger and better things.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Another Sweater

I finished another sweater.  It's the Tulip cardigan made famous by the Yarn Harlot.  It turned out so well and I really love the color scheme.  I can see why the Yarn Harlot is hooked on them.  I'd be tempted to make one for myself, but I love the satisfaction of a quick knit.  A sweater for me would definitely not be a quick knit!

Now I'm on to some mittens I've had on the needles for about a year...maybe I ought to finish those babies up. And with all the snow as of late, they seemed like the perfect knit.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The girls were all costumed up and we were about ready to head out the door, when Leah decided she was hungry…again.  So Jeremy took the big girls to town and went trick or treating and Leah and I stayed home.  With all the hustle and bustle, I didn’t get any good photos of the girls as ladybugs.  But here’s some bad photos…HA!
Lil Miss Serious

Lil Miss Funnypants

They got quite the haul of candy.  They’ve been sorting and re-sorting and taking stock this morning.  There’s the usual good stuff (Reese’s), the yucky stuff (Tootsie rolls and taffy), and the unusual.  Somebody was handing out Snack Pack pudding.  They also got mini bags of unpopped popcorn.  People thought they were very cute ladybugs.

I enjoyed my hour or so of Leah and mommy time.  I think I needed that.
I think the blur is one of the big girls arms.  The lizard is not real, but it looked so cute on her noggin.