Friday, July 29, 2011

Frontier Days

The last full week of July always brings an influx of people to Cheyenne Frontier Days.  The traffic gets crazy, don't even try to go out to eat and expect lots of people everywhere!  We usually don't do anything like go to the rodeos, the night shows or the carnival.  This year we thought we'd take an afternoon and go ride some rides and eat outrageously priced carnival food.  We started things out on the merry-go-round.

We also went on the Ferris Wheel, ate cotton candy, foot long corn dogs and some spiral spuds.  Another thing that Frontier Days always brings is the afternoon rain shower.  We participated in that too.  We got totally saturated waiting for the bus to take us back to our car.  But it was a fun afternoon, indeed!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Updated Chickens

I thought I'd show you some of the latest photos of our chickens.  The broilers are completely feathered out and probably 2 times bigger than our layers hatched at the same time.  They have the big, fat legs!  And they'll swarm you when you feed them; they are pigs!  We figure we'll take them to the butcher in a few weeks.

Our layers are growing up to look like real chickens.  Our exotic one with the strange hairdo still makes me laugh.  Jeremy and I were wondering how well she can see through her Tina Turner hair.  Hopefully they'll start laying eggs in a month or so.

Green Thumb?

As you know, we put in raised beds for the garden this year so it would be more likely I have a garden instead of a weed patch crowding out the garden.  It seems to be successful, so far.  We planted carrots, green beans, okra, corn, cucumbers and peas.  Everything is coming up and going for gusto, except the carrots.  My green beans, cucumbers and peas are blooming.

green beans

Impressive, eh?

Whenever it was we built the chicken coop, several years ago anyways, we planted a raspberry bush or two behind it.  They grew, but we didn't much tend to the bushes.  Then the goats pretty much decimated them one summer.  Now they are bushy and lovely and have spread to the side of the chicken coop as well.  This year there's even tiny little immature berries on them right now.  Hopefully we get a handful or two.
on the side of the chicken coop
 We've penned off the side of the coop because that is where the broiler chickens are at the moment and we don't want them eating the bushes....

future raspberries
I also planted a rhubarb and a strawberry plant in a raised bed in front of the house.  The rhubarb is growing like mad...even tho they have me some weeds in the rhubarb pot.  The strawberry looks like a wilted, half dead husk of it's former self.  There still is some hope, as long as I don't forget about it!

Monday, July 18, 2011


The post is, sadly, pictureless….but here's some of the latest stuff we've been up to. The lake was a ton of fun. I did a little fishing (I'm pretty sure I still caught the biggest walleye the whole trip). The guys did a bit more fishing. Sounds like my husband got dunked, too bad I wasn't around to see it! We did a lot of wading in the lake as it was hot, hot, hot. The girls seems to really enjoy that part. There was good food thanks to my mother-in-law.

The girls went back to Douglas with Grandma and Grandpa Yearout where they'll be for most of the week, then a few days with my sister-in-law, then back home next weekend. I plan on shampooing the dining room and living room carpets as they are Disgusting!

I'm prepared for when the baby gets here. The only thing remaining to get is a new car seat. That's the first thing I plan on doing come August. Then we just play the waiting game. I'm ready for her to be here, but I hope she spends some more time "in the oven" before she shows up, if you know what I mean and I think you do. I have approximately 7 hot, long weeks before my due date.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Latest Socks

I've been working on these socks on and off since around April would be my guess.  And they are finally done.  But I'm pretty sure I won't be wearing these until this fall anyway.  Who wants to wear shoes that require socks during the summer?!  I didn't notice the way the colors pool until I looked at the pictures.
Jeremy has finished fixing up the camper (I don't think I've mentioned the addition of a camper on here, more on that later).  It's not done, but it's liveable ::smile::  So he and the girls left yesterday to go camping at Glendo.  I'm headed up after work today.