Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sally the Salamander

Jeremy got me some topsoil for the raised garden and flower bed I'm gonna try, to keep the weeds at bay, this year.  He found a visitor in the soil while shoveling it into the bed.  The girls were entralled by the little salamander.

We buried him back in the dirt after we looked at him.  So long little buddy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Birthday Party

We had a joint birthday party for Anna and Jeremy on Saturday.  Jeremy's side of the family all came down for the shindig.  We went to Chuck E. Cheese's in Ft. Collins.  I think everybody had a pretty good time, I know the girls weren't ready to go.  Here are some pictures.

Anna didn't wanna have anything to do with Chuck, but Grace thought he was pretty cool.  I'm pretty sure we'll be doing this again long around Grace's birthday!

Friday, May 20, 2011


After much run around, we *finally* got our furniture that we ordered in early March. Jeremy and I got matching dressers. His dresser was from his childhood and was missing a drawer that had broken. The dresser I was using was small, old and had sticky drawers. Now they look like this. Much better! Taller than I remember, but now I don't need a bunch of makeshift drawers in the closet.

We also ordered bunkbeds for the girls. The picture turned out crappy because of the sunlight coming in through the window.

To get all this new stuff in the rooms, we had to make a mess of the rest of the house. So there's a bunch of this and that on the kitchen table, and Grace's old room is a wreck. I have a few more months to get that in order though, it's going to become the baby's room.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hair bows

One of my cousins had made some cuter-than-cute korker bows for her daughter's hair. I asked her how she had made them and the world opened up to hair bow making. I found several free tutorials online on all sorts of different bows. I made a bunch for my niece for Easter (there again forgetting to take a picture first), and I've been making several more for my girls. Here are just a few I've made. And not hard at all; the hardest part is choosing from among all the ribbon out there.

Monday, May 2, 2011

As Promised

As promised, here is the profile of our little peanut's face. You can see the nose and lips. The other picture was a face shot, but the way it came out, it looks skeletal and a little scary. We have yet to figure out a name, if it's like Anna, it will be chosen in the delivery room!

I'm looking for anybody who would like a 5 year old who acts like a teenager. Any takers? I'm just kidding, but there are moments I almost wanna take her back. Friday at preschool was miserable for the poor teachers. They called me once so I could talk to her on the phone. Then I got another call around noon. I drove over there and talked to her in person. I don't want her to think every time she's naughty she gets to go home. So she stayed there, but I don't think it got much better the rest of the day. Mostly she's disrespectful and doesn't listen. This weekend was the same way.  I'm just battling this phase with lots of love and minimal amounts of yelling.